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Informations and safety about candles
©The bat in the hat shop
The bat in the hat jar candles are all made by hand with 100% natural soy wax and guaranteed GMO-free. There is no paraffin or hydrocarbon derivatives , so it will be more safe when burning. They are Phthalate-free, Vegan certified with components not tested on animals. Wicks are made with nautral componets like cotton, linen or wood and contain no lead.
The bat in the hat candles are made from natural wax, but that does not mean that they are completely safe for health. Candles are flammable products and must be handled with care, and not left unattended or within children hands.
You should also know that scented candles, even with natural wax and essential oils, are classified as "chemical" and can possibly cause allergies. And yes, essential oils which seem to safe, contain elements considered chemical, which can damage health if misused. That being said, the term "chemical" is a word often used in a pejorative way, to categorize something that would be artificial and therefore unnatural. Beside , humans, we are all made from chemistry, air, water is chemistry. Combustion, is a basic chemical process.
The fragrances meet European standards for allergens, and as well AFNOR and REACH standards. However, keep in mind that even a tiny quantity can cause an allergy, so if you have any doubts, please contact us before placing an order. Be sure to respect the using conditions below:
These are precautions for using The bat in th hat candles (and in general)
-Do not burn your candle unattended (and for a period of 2 to 3 hours maximum).
-Do not place a lighted candle near a flammable object, in a draught, as well near a heat source.
-Leave at least 10 cm (4 inches) area between lighted candles.
-Do not leave residues in your candle. If there are dried flowers for decoration, please carefully remove elements before combustion. If you notice an abnormal flame, you need to extinguish it immediately.
-Always trim your wick properly before each use, a too long wick will tend to curl and must make bad black smokes. 0.5 to 1 cm must be the ideal length.
-Keep your burning candles (and lighted off) away from children and animals.
Candles are not toys, even if it looks like food. Do not breathe candles directly.
-Always burn your candle on a stable surface and always place a saucer beneath to avoid damaging furniture. Do not touch or even move a burning candle.
-May be dangerous for health (skin burns, respiratory issues or skin allergies)
-May be toxic to aquatic and environmental organisms and cause harmful long-term effects.
Complies with CE regulations N° 1272/2008
Labeling , packaging classification (CLP) and risks related using candles
Composition: 90% natural soy wax, 9% Fragrance, 1% isopropyl myristate.
H 315 May cause skin irritation .
H317 Can cause skin allergy.
H 319 May cause severe eyes irritations.
H 400 May be toxic to aquatic organisms.
H 411 May be toxic to aquatic organisms and may cause long-term effects.
P261 Avoid breathing dusts / smokes / gas / mists / vapors / sprays.
P273 Avoid release into the environment
P313 et 333 In case of irruption and skin reaction consult a doctor.
P302 et 352 In case of contact with the skin, wash generously with water.
-If swallowed, please rinse widely mouth and drink a few sips of water.
Do not try to vomit or making vomit. Bad swallowing could lead to significant obstruction in throat and bronchias.
- In case of skin contact wash with soap and water and rinse widely. If symptoms still appears (pimples, redness, irritation, etc.) contact your doctor.
-In case of eye contact, immediately rinse the affected eye with lukewarm water for at least 8 min. If irritation persists, 1 hour after rinsing, contact your doctor for medical advice
-In case of discomfort after vapors inhalation , evacuate the room and try to breathe fresh air, extinguish the candle and leaves windows wide open. If symptoms persist, contact a doctor.
If you have other issues, you can also contact the poison control center nearby, specifying the nature of the contamination and as well symptoms.
Advices and tips for a better using
-It would be better using a candle extinguisher rather than blowing on it, because you could receive splashes of hot wax and that's really not cool! (Ahaha hot / cool? got it?)
-For ar first use, always make sure to burn your candle for at least 1 hour. In order to release smells better and especially burn the entire surface, avoiding " tunneling". Wax has a burning memory (yes!), So lighting up only 20 min, a small tunnel may appears , then it will only burn in this hole (and not on the entire surface) possibly drowning the wick in a wax pool, which will cause you good depression.
-Never burn your candle more than 3/4 of the jar, (I insist!) A wick lit too close the jar bottom could cause it to burst and cause injuries, and give you the creeps! (too bad during an horror movie!)
-At this stage, you can melt wax remains using double boilers (be careful to your fingers) an turn it
as wax melts . No waste! More you win a glass Jar ! Put it over your ears and you will hear... nothing...
you 've just covered you ear with a jar!
-If you have cut your wick too short, or if you broke it, don't panic! Take a cup of chamomile, a deep breath (not near the candle) it'll be fine. You can, take a match, plant it in wax, just near the wick and use it as a temporary wick.
-If your contaneris too high and you can no longer reach the wick, you can use a spaghetti. Light the top and use it as a long match (this tip is offered by Mac Gyver).
Conseils d'utilisations
Le tunneling
Le tunneling
Le "Tunneling c'est quoi exactement?
Le tunneling vous l'avez toutes et tous plus ou moins vu en brûlant des bougies.
Il s'agit de ce phénomène affreux qui creuse un cratère au milieu de votre bougie , laissant de 2 à 4 cm sur les parois du contenant.
1- Voila donc en photo ce que ça donne... (photo bougie rose)
C'est pas beau, ça peut noyer la mèche et surtout ça gâche la moitié de la bougie. Cela peut être dû le plus souvent à une taille de mèche trop petite pour la taille du contenant.
Mais aussi, et on y pense pas assez, c'est dû à une mauvaise combustion de la bougie dès le départ.
Ah bon? Mais Pourquoi ça Jamy?
Et bien mon cher Fred c'est très simple! Lorsque que vous brûlez une bougie pour la première fois , il faut garder la mèche entière
(bon sauf si elle fait 3 kilomètres de long comme parfois c'est le cas) 1 cm au moins. Car une grande mèche
je vous le donne en mille, fait une grande flamme. Et une grande flamme ça brûle plus de surface.
Hors pour la première combustion il faut que toute la surface soit fondue . Comme je l'explique plus haut,
la cire à une mémoire de forme (oui comme vos oreillers) c'est à dire que si vous brûlez la bougie 20 minutes
elle n'aura le temps de faire qu'une petite "piscine" d'environ 4/5 cm. Sur une bougie de 10 cm comme sur la photo...ça craint. La prochaine fois que vous allumerez la bougie , avec une mèche plus courte, ça ne brûlera que cette petite piscine et elle creusera dans la hauteur et non dans la largeur, du coup vous
aurez un magnifique cratère.
Voila pourquoi, on recommande de brûler une bougie au minimum une heure car ça prend du temps, en plus
la cire de soja fond doucement. Donc oubliez l'allumage de bougie, vite fait , pour chasser les odeurs de clopes
ou de mouflon. Ce n'est pas vous rendre service et à votre bougie non plus.
2- Voici donc une bougie au bout de 20 min de combustion , et la même après une heure, ( je ne plaisantais pas
quand je disais que ça brûlait lentement le soja.
D 'ailleurs vous pouvez découvrir le "mushrooming" , phénomène qui fait comme une petite boule noire au bout de la mèche car elle est trop longue et donc se recourbe.
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